District End Polio Day & Family Walk
Date: 19 Oct 2019
Time:9:00 am to.12:00 noon
Venue: The Peak Galleria
It's an event which allowed us to connect with rotarians, friends & relatives. It was a fundraising family walk to end polio too.

Group photo

DG Wilson Cheng had presented a welcoming remarks.

DG Wilson with OC Chair Andy Li, District Officers & OC Members on stage

CP Sally was with DG Wilson & other Presidents performing on stage.

CP Sally & PP Herman had participated the End Polio Walk with other rotarians & friends.

CP Sally had enjoyed this meaningful walk very much.

CP /President Sally was with DG Wilson Cheng

We all stretched like nodody's watching before the walk!

Rotaractors were at the booth supporting the End Polio event.

CP Sally was with DDE Eric Chak before the walk started.