Rotary Online Health Talks 扶輪網上健康講座
3 November 2021
Name of Service Project: Rotary Online Health Talks 扶輪網上健康講座
Date: 3 Nov 2021
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 & 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Clinic and Rotary Information Centre
Project Description:
We organized a Health Talk to our service partners and around 700 beneficiaries. We had invited our Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak who is an Orthopedist to share information on how to take care of the spinal cord and prevent other bone diseases. We also invited Dr. Kenneth Wong, a registered Chinese Practitioner to share information to take care of our lung and prevent sickness regarding it. We had put the two videos on the YouTube so that Rotarians and other beneficiaries could benefit from it.

Honorable Speaker Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak sharing knowledge on how to take care of the spinal cord and prevent other bone diseases at his office.
From Left: IPDG Dr. Eric Chak and President Ivan Hon

Shooting …

Shooting …

Thanks Immediate Past District Governor Eric for the sharing.

From Left: Lawrence Hui, IPDG Eric Chak, President Ivan Hon and AG/CP Sally Ho

Honorable Speaker: Registered Chinese Medical Practitioner Kenneth Chui has shared with us on how to take care of our lung and prevent sickness.
From Left: Registered Chinese Medical Practitioner Kenneth Chui and President Ivan Hon

We present the club banner to Registered Chinese Medical Practitioner Kenneth Chui

It’s our blessing to invite the professional photographer Lawrence for the video shooting on two Health talks. Much appreciated!

We are starving…eating like nobody’s watching …

We have fellowship lunch after the video shooting of Health talks

Thank you two speakers for the time and efforts sharing health knowledge to us. We put the two videos on the YouTube.